Art Classes
Art & Craft Classes
Pt. Bhimsen Joshi Sangeet Academy’s “Swar Kala Sangam” presents art and craft Courses – Art and Craft Classes for Children, Teenagers and Adults.
According to the Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses – especially learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else. — Leonardo da Vinci
An involvement in art or attending art and craft classes is to be in a flow of a never-ending river. The flow which gives one an experience of lifetime and helps to attain themselves. It’s a way to find out your uniqueness and to understand your capability to create out of scatter. Well an art and craft course helps everybody in their overall development which includes physical, mental, emotional and social. Learning the Art and craft are creative way of expression which is beyond realism sometimes and contains more than the words to be spoken. This needs courage and on the same time it makes the creator more courageous for the next creation. It helps one to boost confidence and ready to express creatively. In our art and craft classes students would experience and learn different categories of visual art and craft along with different mediums and techniques to follow. At Pt. Bhimsen Joshi Sangeet Academy’s “Swar Kala Sangam” children would not only just do activity but also, they will be introduced along with its base and how it gradually developed along with time. Here the exchange of learning would happen with whole integration of art with art appreciation, history and literature along with its relationship with scientific theory behind. The course emphasizes to open an eye with the perception to another level.
Pt. Bhimsen Joshi Sangeet Academy’s “Swar Kala Sangam” art and craft courses, children are exposed to different types of art like drawing, sketching, charcoal. calligraphy, painting - water, acrylic, oils and can specialize basis on their interests.
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